Friday, April 25, 2014

It Bites!

Why is it every Spring/Summer I get a mysterious bug-bite right in the middle of my back...I can't reach it to scratch and I can't s
turn around and see it in the bathroom mirror.....ughhh!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A few years ago i started reading the Left Behind series of books. I read several of them and stopped because I needed the next book in the series and never got it. They are a work of fiction but very compelling and interesting....what the authors believed about the End Times. I have finally the whole set now and I have started reading them again from the beginning....what's different now than then is what is going on in the world today......I'm beginning to see things in these books that parallels to a certain extent some of the things that is going on in the world now....yes, they are FICTION but the Biblical references and timelines are true.......Any thoughts on this?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Grandson Hiro

This is a photo I took of my grandson Hiro last weekend..he loved the Fall leaves. He was helping his Pawpaw rake them up...the rake was 3 times his size! He's 3 years old and a very sweet kid. His Dad (my son Josh) and his Mom are divorced. They share custody right now...alternating weeks until he starts to school. He spent the night with me Saturday. I hope he can do it again soon. Three is such a fun age!!

I was off work today for Veteran's Day. I spent the day getting some laundry done, fooling around on the computer and watching HGTV....I think I'm addicted! They had a marathon of sorts, showing episodes of some guy helping people renovate their basements so the can take in a renter.....I also love Househunters.
Gotta get to bed again tomorrow and off the weekend!

Friday, May 14, 2010

This is my nephew's daughter....she just turned 1.....enjoying her birthday cake!!

I'm Back!!

Been so busy......forgot about blogging!!
1. new job as CNA then Activities Leader at a nursing home
2. youngest son graduating high school and starting college this Fall (and all the things that go with THAT!
3. youngest daughter thinks she can run around and do everything her brother can...NOT! She's only 15!
etc etc

Got a great new camera for Christmas so I will be posting photographs......

Friday, June 19, 2009


Why do they sell sugar-free or low carb jams and jellies? If my diet prevents me from having sugar and too many carbs, then what am I supposed to spread the sugar-free jam on? "Air" bread??